Red fox kit exploring the perimeter of its home in the park, a fox den

Video: Fun with a Fox

By:  Kayla Gomance

In the foothills of the Ouachita Mountains, resting on the shores of a pristine 13,800-acre lake lies DeGray Lake Resort State Park. As Arkansas’s resort state park, DeGray offers a wide range of amenities and experiences to choose from. Overnight accommodations range from a 96-room island lodge to 81 Class B campsites to three Rent-A-Yurts!

Guests can find their escape by hiking, fishing, swimming, boating, golfing, horseback riding, and more. In addition to being your outdoor recreation hub, the park serves as a haven for a variety of wild creatures. Lake and forest habitat join to create a community of wildlife. Thus, a visit to DeGray is a visit to many homes.

This video features a curious red fox kit exploring the perimeter of its home in the park, a fox den.

If you want to show your love for all of DeGray’s residents, practice Leave No Trace principles. Simple acts like staying on marked trails, disposing of waste properly, and respecting wildlife can go a long way! Help us protect this precious resource today so that many may enjoy it tomorrow.

Video description: A 1-minute video of a red fox kit exploring the perimeter of its den, a burrow beneath a fallen tree. The young fox curiously investigates the camera. Sounds of birds and insects can be heard in this forest setting.