Programs, Workshops & Tours

Learn through experience
Looking for vacations with an educational side? The Arkansas state park system’s natural and historic sites provide dramatic settings for interpretive history and nature programs, available throughout the year. Deepen your sense of place and make memories to last a lifetime as you explore natural attractions, take a guided hike, feel the breeze on a lake cruise, walk through the past at a historic site tour, enjoy the ambiance of a campfire program, experience a living history demonstration, play nature games, see the splendor along a spring wildflower walk, learn new skills at an outdoor workshop and more. Most parks offer wildlife watching and birding opportunities including trails, observation blinds, checklists, interpreter-led state park tours, and lake cruises. Search more than 50,000 interpretive programs and events, or call 1-888-287-2757 for a printed copy packed with educational vacation ideas, event dates, and other helpful information.
The State Park Explorer Program is for youth ages 6-14 that care about nature, history, safety, and fun, and want to earn a special badge and certificate. Inquire at any park visitor center to obtain an Explorer Field Guide and get started on your grand adventure.
For teachers and students, Arkansas State Parks is the state’s largest, resource-based education organization. Park interpreters can provide hands-on, curriculum-based programs where students apply classroom learning at park facilities and attractions. Our educational state park tours and variety of history and nature programs make excellent field trip ideas, no matter how old your students are. Contact the individual parks for details and reservations.