A closeup of a bald eagle.
A closeup of a bald eagle.

How do you measure up to the bald eagle?

By:  Sasha Bowles

Bald eagles, the majestic symbol of our nation, were removed from the endangered species list in 2007. Since then, they have been seen more frequently throughout their range, which includes Lake Dardanelle State Park.

The park sits on the banks of Lake Dardanelle, a man-made impoundment of the Arkansas River, created with the construction of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. The lake provides perfect nesting and hunting habitat for bald eagles who are year-round residents, as well as for eagles who migrate and spend winters here. Visiting Lake Dardanelle State Park provides visitors the opportunity to experience the wonder of these graceful birds in their natural habitat.

Bald eagles at Lake Dardanelle State Park show us their beauty, skill, strength, and speed as we watch them fly, hunt, and soar through the sky.

There are numerous active nests around the lake, providing opportunities for viewing these magnificent birds year-round. It also gives us a perfect setting to explore just how amazing they are.

How do you measure up to a bald eagle? Are you faster than an eagle, taller than an eagle, or heavier than an eagle? Download the PDF activity page, explore your measurements, and compare them to those of a bald eagle.

For information on scheduled eagle-related programs, guided hikes, and other fun nature and history activities, visit our online calendar of events or contact the park.