Lakeside Trail

Bull Shoals-White River State Park

  • Trail Type: Day Hikes
  • | Difficulty: Easy, Moderate
  • Distance: 1 mile
  • Time: 1 hour hiking time Hiking times may vary.

What to know

Constructed in 1979 by the Young Adult Conservation Corps, this loop trail offers relatively easy walking. Bull Shoals Lake, combined with the Ozark plant and animal life, makes this trail an ecosystem in itself. Any season of the year, even in the deepest winter, a surprise awaits you around each corner. Eagle Point and Titmouse Alley provide excellent habitat for bird watching. Bald eagles, waterfowl, and gulls are often seen from Eagle Point in winter. During spring, summer, and fall over 90 species of migrating and summer resident songbirds populate the area.
153 Dam Overlook Lane
Bull Shoals, AR 72619
: -92.576798, 36.369634
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