Things to Do at Mount Magazine State Park
Arkansas Hang Gliding
Arkansas hang gliding enthusiasts have flocked to the highest peak in Arkansas for many years. Rising high above the Petit Jean River Valley and Arkansas River Valley, 2,753-foot Mount Magazine has near perfect conditions for flight, making it one of the best hang gliding locations in the Arkansas. Hang gliding participants must register each day at the park visitor center and be Class 4 certified to fly alone. A Class 3 flier can fly with a Class 4. Parking is available at the hang gliding launch site.
Hang gliding only happens when the Mount Magazine weather is right but this has been one of the most popular hang gliding locations for a long time. So even if you like to keep both feet on the ground you can still enjoy watching the hang gliders take to the skies. Press play below to get a feel for Arkansas hang gliding and see what the view is like from up there.