Accessibility at Arkansas State Parks
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This chart is your guide to the accessibility levels of Arkansas State Parks facilities. All new park facilities offer barrier-free access, while a wide variety of older facilities that have attracted visitors over the decades have been retrofitted to offer barrier-free access. Work is in progress to improve accessibility levels at more facilities throughout the park system. Some park facilities, however, due to the natural terrain in which they're located, are deemed inaccessible or impossible to access even with assistance.
This information is intended to guide visitors to those park facilities that will best meet their individual needs. All park visitors are urged to take personal limitations into consideration when utilizing any Arkansas State Parks facility. If you have specific questions about any state park or museum, park staff are available to answer your questions and provide details. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in finding the park facilities that will make your visit to an Arkansas state park the most enjoyable experience it can be. You are invited to phone or e-mail the individual parks and museums for details. Those phone numbers and e-mail addresses are located under each park listing.
Visitor Programs
Arkansas State Parks offers over 50,000 interpretive programs and events each year for the education and entertainment of our park visitors. Many of these activities are designed with the needs of visitors with disabilities in mind. Several park amphitheaters provide barrier-free access for evening interpretive programs and daily workshops. Guided hikes are often offered on barrier-free trails, and fishing workshops are conducted on barrier-free fishing piers. Park staff and guest speakers offer a wide variety of accessible programs in the meeting rooms in park visitor centers or the conference rooms at park lodges. Our Elderhostel programs, some of the finest in the nation, are held in accessible facilities. A listing of Arkansas State Parks programs and events is available on this Web site under the "Park Events and Activities" section. More information can be found under the "Seniors" section of this web site.
Camping Discounts
U.S. citizens permanently and totally and/or 100 percent disabled will be admitted to state park campgrounds at one-half the regular fee. [NOTE: Written proof of disability determination is required. Document must specify "Permanent and Total Disability" or indicate an individual is "100 percent Disabled." For veterans, this should be a copy of the Awards letter (dated within the last two years) from the Veterans Administration Regional Office or an Arkansas license plate with the letters DV or DAV. For non veterans, a qualifying document would be a letter from a personal physician, Railroad Retirement or Civil Service (federal or state government) dated within the last two years stating "100 percent disabled" and/or "permanent and total disability.")
Special Note
To ensure you enjoy your state park experience, be aware of the natural world. There are some areas which are potentially hazardous to all visitors. Since it is impractical to post signs at all danger points, use caution when approaching such areas as cliffs, caves, heavily wooded areas, swamps, streams and lakes. Adults are responsible for children in their care. If unsure about possible hazards, check at the park visitor center.